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We Asked Established Bloggers, “How Did You Start Blogging?”

Recently we’ve been asking bloggers about their blogging memories and journeys (you can check out the other posts here and here!). For the final post in this series, we asked established bloggers to share their first blogging memory: how they started blogging. Sit back, relax, and enjoy another trip down memory lane…

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Screenshot of The Gluten Free Cheerleader “I’ve been making websites since I was in school but I first started blogging seriously around 6 years ago when I was first diagnosed with coeliac disease and wanted to help raise awareness of the condition and places that were safe to eat gluten free in my area.

It really helped me build my confidence in eating out and trying new places as I was quite fussy before. I wasn’t aware of a blogging community at all then so was just going it alone. I loved being able to help other coeliacs and share my experiences and I still love it today.”

– Kathryn, theglutenfreecheerleader.com


Screenshot of Life Can Be Toff “I started Life Can Be Toff after friends said I should write a book about my life. Not having time to put together a book, the blog was an easy way to get my thoughts onto ‘paper’ and share them. That was almost 3 years ago and it’s only in the last year I started taking the blog seriously as a potential business.

I am still very much a hobby blogger who occasionally reviews products or places. It’s given me the foundation social media skills to advance my career and for that I’m grateful.”

– Kim, lifecanbetoff.co.uk


Screenshot of Amy Ever After “When I first started blogging I had no idea that it could be a career. I fell into it accidentally! Social media wasn’t a thing (Facebook and Twitter technically existed, but nobody had really heard of them), so search engines, message boards, and email were how posts spread.

But without a zillion blogs out there, it was also easier to get seen. If I could go back, I would do things SO differently. I would set my blog up with a future business in mind, and be much more disciplined.”

– Amy, amyeverafter.com


Screenshot Lifestyle & Luxuries “I was motivated to create a blog by my fellow local slimmers at Slimming World. I have always liked creating recipes and the amount of requests I received from people wanting to recreate my recipes inspired me to collate them all in one place.

I decided that if my fellow group members were keen to try my recipes, then others may like them too. This really kick started my blogging life too and from there I have expanded to do reviews for various brands not restricted to food, just things I like and enjoy. My recipes are well received and I love my hobby!”

– Debra, lifestyleandluxuries.com


Screenshot of My Family Of Roses “When I first started out, I used Blogger. Big mistake. Not only did I have no control of how I really wanted my website to look, I woke up one morning to an email from Google telling me that they’ve removed my blog after working so hard on it for nearly 9 months.

Fast forward 2 very stressful weeks (this was 2016), I took the leap to go self hosted and approached several brands whom my daughter and I loved. We’ve managed to work with quite a few without the worry of DA stats or social reach. I had no idea what I was really doing, I just wrote for me. Some of my top posts are things I threw together as I just wanted to write something. Plus I have a reminder on my phone for backups!”

– Lyndsay-Rose, myfamilyofroses.co.uk


Screenshot of Fields Of Daisies “Blogging was a piece of cake when I wrote my first post 5 years ago! Mostly because I was blissfully unaware of details like SEO, analytics, DA, keywords, backlinks, social media…and similar such things. As a long time homeschooling mom, I started the blog to share the notebooks full of curriculum, and fun learning ideas that I had written over the years.

It was so much fun ! Until the day I realized that it might be helpful if somebody actually was reading what I had spent months writing ! And so began the process of really learning about blogging. It takes much longer to write a post now, but the reward is in knowing that my work is actually being appreciated and utilized by wonderful families all over. I’ve discovered that even above the joy of writing, the best part of blogging is by far the relationships made. It makes the sharp learning curve worth it ! I write about Living, Loving, and Learning Together.

– Chenoah, fieldsofdaisies.com


Life and Business with Wendy “Not being someone to do things half-heartedly I jumped straight into my blogging journey with a 30-day blogging challenge, posting every day.

That blog no longer exists and I’m kind of glad really as some of the posts must have been dreadful but the experience was priceless, forcing me to write even when I was really stuck for ideas. I still believe that daily writing of some kind is important. If I have much of a break the ideas definitely slow down.”

– Wendy, lifeandbusinesswithwendy.com


Wood Ridge Studio “Because I had 3 kids at the age of gremlins who ate after midnight / toddlers, with no supportive people in my life offline, I needed a cyber shoulder to cry on. So I started blogging 9 years ago as a profanity-laced humor mom. All the “cool moms” were doing it. If the cool moms told me to jump off a bridge would I do it? Well the water was warm, and they had coffee. Then I got featured in places: the gateway to blogging addiction. Shh. Don’t tell myself this, but I’m pretty sure I did it for the attention. But my addictions actually are: creative similes, comparing and contrasting internet marketing and consumer behavior to offline, making pretty graphics, and finding that one person who says, “This. This right here. Yeah.”

Now that my kids are at the age of cat who sits on your lap but doesn’t want to be petted / pre-teens, I’m centering my attention to using my art and writing skills to help small businesses with their presence online at woodridgestudio.com and blogginglearn.com where my goal is to help places like Bob’s Bait and Tackle get a purrty website and some Google juice.”

– Michelle


Screenshot of KK VA Services “I first blogged in the early noughties, on a Blogspot blog and with dial-up internet. Blogs were blogs back then, not all-singing, all-dancing influencer sites like they are now! I still read it on the odd occasion now (yes, it’s still hanging around cyberspace) and reminisce…”

– Kelly, kkvaservices.com


Candle In The Night “Ten years ago, I found out that a friend from church was making a full time income blogging and with her online business. I thought, “why couldn’t I do that?” After a couple years of contemplation, I started my own blog. It was on Blogger and was not pretty. Haha!

I made no money for a long time, but that didn’t matter because I was having fun and really enjoyed writing and sharing about my life. When I finally decided to get serious, I became self-hosted and migrated my blog to WordPress. I’m not making a full-time income, but they’re potential for growth now!”

– Jessica, candleinthenight.com


How did you start blogging? Let us know in the comments!
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We asked established bloggers how they got into blogging. Here's what they said!

Jenni Brown
Co-founder of Lyrical Host, Jenni has been in the web hosting industry for years and specializes in social media, copywriting, search engine optimization, and email marketing. She loves cats, baking, photography, and gaming.

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