How to reduce image size

How To Optimize Your Images For The Web

Every month we send all our hosting customers exclusive stock images to use how they like. Just like most large photos, they’re several thousand pixels high and wide, and they haven’t been compressed in any way so they can even be printed if needed.

Ideas for your blogging newsletter

25 Quick & Easy Ideas For Your Blog’s Next Newsletter

One of the best ways to get people subscribing to and engaging with your blog’s newsletter is to include some exclusive content along with links to your posts. If they go directly to your blog to read your posts anyway, there’s no reason for them to subscribe to your newsletter just to get the same links – so how you can make sure they stay subscribed, engaged, and interested?

Easy WordPress Self-Hosting

Why Going Self-Hosted Is Easier Than You Think

Ever considered switching to self-hosted WordPress, but wondered if it would really be worth it and if it would be complicated to switch? We’ve made it super easy! ? Just send us a message on Facebook chat (the blue button at the bottom right of this...