
The Blogger’s Guide To WordPress Speed Optimization

A fast website is a great way to please both your visitors and Google, but if you’re like the majority of bloggers, you’re frustrated or confused trying to analyze your site speed and figure out exactly what it is you need to change or improve.

This bumper guide tells you everything you need to know about assessing and improving your website speed yourself, without the technical language you see everywhere else. This guide has been written primarily for self-hosted WordPress websites, although if you use another type of CMS or host, there are still plenty of takeaways for you.

Top Self Care Tips For Bloggers

7 Self-Care Tips For Bloggers

As a blogger, chances are that you have a million things going on in your life. You have your blog and probably a 9-5 job, family, friends, a home, and all kinds of other commitments. And when we have so many priorities the task that often falls to the bottom of our to-do list is our own self-care.

But self-care is too important to ignore!

When you neglect to take care of yourself, it’s impossible to be at your best. Self-care is necessary for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Let’s look at some ways that we as bloggers can take better care of ourselves.

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12 Honest Mental Health Posts From Bloggers & Business Owners

To anyone not in the industry, running an online business seems like a piece of cake. No need to leave the comfort of your home, no bosses to report to, no co-worker politics.

While it is an ideal reality for a lot of people, running your own blog or other business isn’t without its difficulties, and good self-care and attention to mental health is just as important as it is in a traditional job.

Easy ways to sell digital products online

14 Simple Ways To Sell & Deliver Digital Products

Digital products such as workbooks, checklists, ebooks, design resources, and photos can be a great passive income stream for your blog. If you don't want to use a marketplace like Etsy, and you don't need a complete ecommerce store on your website, there's a third...