How to back up your website

How To Back Up Your WordPress Website

We believe that you can never have enough backups (or know too much about backing up your website!), so here’s a quick walkthrough of the different ways you can back up your website so you’re always in control.

Backups can be used for a range of things, from undoing a significant change you’ve made to your site, to restoring the last known clean version of your website in the event of a security breach, to making sure you have a full copy of your website “just in case.”

Using WordPress drafts for more than blog posts

6 Ways To Use Drafts Beyond Just Blog Posts

Do you only use your blog’s draft functionality to save unfinished blog posts? This post covers six other creative ways to use drafts on your blog!

Why should you use post drafts for things that aren’t blog posts? The main advantage is that you (and anyone you work with) can easily access the information any time, anywhere. If you run multiple websites or have an overflowing Dropbox, it also means you can find information specific to your specific website quickly and easily. No need to hunt through folders or your notes app, or worse still, suddenly remember the file you need is on an old computer or hard drive.

How to build your authority online

How To Start Building Your Authority Online

Unless you’re a Kardashian or born into a similarly famous family, you’re not born with an audience or authority. The good news is that if other people can build their authority from scratch, so can you!

Here are some quick tips to start building your authority when you don’t (yet!) have a ton of followers or subscribers.