How to set goals for the year ahead

Setting Goals For The Year Ahead

If you’re looking forward to a bright, fresh new year, this is the post for you. A new start can make all the difference…but how do you set goals that will take you beyond early January motivation and through the rest of the year? This post will help you get – and stay! – on track.

Lyrical Host in 2020

Lyrical Host’s 2020: A Summary

2020 has turned out to be a pretty eventful year, to say the least (reminder: it’s totally okay just to have made it, and not started a new banana bread/exercise/world empire!). Like most companies in the northern hemisphere, our original plans quickly went out of the window post spring when the pandemic really started taking hold.

Our original plan was to be a lot more product-focused and release new updates of existing products, services and programs, including our affiliate program. But it quickly transpired that all that was on our minds was, “How can we help people? How can we make them feel more supported?”

So from March onwards, we switched focus. Our new plan was to incorporate fun things to try to take people’s minds off the world for a bit and provide something to look forward to, and useful things to help people pivot, get new projects and businesses off the ground, and generally help and support them however possible.

How To Decide When To Start A New Website

When Is The Best Time To Start Another Website?

Starting a new web project is always fun, so it’s not surprising that a lot of people find creating new websites addicting! But is a new website right for your goals, and when should you start one? This blog post looks at a number of different questions to help you decide what’s right for you. PS If you’re already a Lyrical Host customer and need a site adding or want to upgrade your plan, just raise a ticket!

Halloween Contest

(Closed) Enter our Trick or Treat Halloween Contest!

Things are more than a bit unusual this year, so we’ve decided to run a little virtual trick or treat contest to make up for missing out on real trick or treating!

Simply spin the wheel and it’ll land on “Trick” or “Treat”…what happens after that? You’ll have to spin to find out 😉