Disabilities are unique, challenging, and remarkable in various ways to every individual. So to find (or create) stock photos that reflect and encompass that is no easy feat.
We know that you appreciate being able to represent different experiences and lives in your content, which is why we’ve put together a list of some of the best sources of free and paid stock photos depicting disabilities in the most inclusive, realistic and respectful ways we could.
Currently reading: Disability Stock Photo Sites (Free & Paid) Share on X
We’ve done several posts in this stock photo series, including Free & Paid Websites To Download Culturally Diverse Stock Photos, LGBT+ Stock Photo Websites (Free & Paid) and 21 Body Positive Stock Photo Websites (Free & Paid). But this post was one of the most challenging ones, as there is so much more work to be done around realistic and considerate representation. For that reason, we rejected far more options than we included.
Like everyone else, we want to move away from cliched, old-fashioned ideas of how people live, so we have linked to all kinds of sites with photos that show recreation, sports, relationships and activities. We’ve also included search recommendations for you to use for particular sites to help you uncover some more hidden gems.
Before we get started, some housekeeping:
- Don’t forget to check the licensing, usage, and attribution requirements before using images from stock photo websites; even images from the same site can have different restrictions.
- When using free photo websites, please trace the photo back to the original photographer where possible.
- Please be respectful and mindful of the context you use these photos in, especially when using recognizable images of people.
- If you’re using stock photos on your website, don’t forget to optimize them first!
- Don’t forget to add ALT text to your images (see How To Write Great ALT Text Descriptions).
And now on with the photos!
Affect The Verb
Tell me more: A small collection of disability body-positive stock photos and illustrations. The “Disability and Here” collection is covered under Creative Commons Attribution which means you can use, share, and adapt the images for free with appropriate credit.
Search recommendations? Just one collection on this site “Disability and Here.”
Free or paid? Free
Website: affecttheverb.com
Tell me more: This platform provides an amazing variety of artificial, inclusive, cultural, and disability photos making sure to include everyday life, sports, recreation, and working life. All Pexel images are free to use!
Search recommendations?
- Blind
- Disability at work
- Disabled yoga
- Disability sports
- Wheelchair lifestyle
Free or paid? Free
Website: Pexels.com
Tell me more: Disability lifestyle images featuring a variety of people in everyday life, including a high quality range of sports images. Great search options for different formats, mock-ups, file types, and sizes.
Search recommendations?
- Disability
- Disabilities lifestyle
- Disability sports
- Disability sports & fitness photos
Free or paid? Varies from free to $9 a month
Website: RawPixel.com
Tell me more: Selection of natural photos; the best part is the majority of these are free and high resolution. There’s are links to other premium sites such as IStock within Unsplash, however, just simply scroll down to the Unsplash versions to access the free ones.
Search recommendations?
- Disability
- Learning Disability
- Wheelchair
Free or paid? Free High Resolution.
Website: Unsplash.com
Disability: IN
Tell me more: Disability: IN is a global organisation that supports the inclusivity of all disabilities. They include models who genuinely understand how to represent the community. This collection is covered under Creative Commons Attribution which means you can use, share, and adapt the images for free with appropriate credit.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Free
Website: disabilityin.org
Wikimedia: Paralympics
Tell me more: A collection of past Paralympic photography, featuring various sporting events and award ceremonies. Photos are all free for public use.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Free
Website: wikimedia.org
PUSH Living Photos
Tell me more: A summary of authentic disability lifestyles and experiences, featuring anything from sports, relationships/weddings, events, travel, education and children/youth. Most photos are royalty-free, however, please check as some will come with a commercial licence.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Free & Paid (Paid ones start from $35)
Website: pushlivingphotos.com
Tell Me More: “Diversity leads to innovation” a beautiful disability selection of membership-based stock photo resources where you can pay per photo or download a set number of images every month depending on the membership level you choose.
Search recommendations? Search for “Disability.” This has all the links to the appropriate photos.
Free or paid? Paid ($25 per image)
Website: tonl.co
Gary Radler
Tell Me More: A photographer who focuses on the beauty and inclusion of people from a range of disabilities, Gary likes to focus on capturing natural shots of people in their everyday life. All images are royalty-free licences once purchased.
Search recommendations? Search for “Disability.” This has all the links to the appropriate photos.
Free or paid? Paid (Prices starting from around $18)
Website: garyradler.com
Tell me more: A collection of diverse disability imagery covering anything from sports, relationships, events, travel and children/youth. What we love about this site is the photographers featured are listed, so you’ll be able to see all their material or projects they’ve worked on.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Paid (Prices vary depending on size and usage requirements)
Website: photoability.net
Tell me more: Shutter Stock has a really lovely selection of inclusive and creative images in the fashion industry, this is more suitable for fashion bloggers but there are some gorgeous lifestyle images in there too.
Search recommendations?
- Disability fashion
- Disability art
Free or paid? Paid (Sign up for a free trial to access 10 free images, $29 per month annual subscription thereafter)
Website: shutterstock.com
Unsplash: Autism
Tell me more: Unsplash has a collection based around autism with a selection of figurative images, it’s a great collection if you’re looking more specifically for autism. All images are free and high resolution.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Free High Resolution.
Website: unsplash.com
Tell me more: Dreamstime features a great selection of hearing aid images, which feature a variety of ages, environments, and different types of hearing aids.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Paid. (Week free trial, subscription packages starting from $19 thereafter)
Website: dreamstime.com
Pexels: Sign Language
Tell me more: When you first come across this collection there is a beautiful and natural variation of images symbolising sign language. There is also a selection of text-based images and photos of people communicating.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Free.
Website: pexels.com
Adobe Stock
Tell me more: Adobe stock has a vast amount of learning disability stock photos. You can access 10 images on a 30-day free trial or if you already have adobe stock you can access these for free.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Paid. (Free trial to access 10 photos, $19.99 thereafter)
Website: adobestock.com
Shutterstock: Signs and Symbols
Tell me more: Shutter Stock features a selection of signage, braille and direction images. These are great to use if you don’t want to use images of actual people, but would rather symbolise disability in your content.
Search recommendations? All photos are accessible via the website link.
Free or paid? Paid (Sign up for a free trial to access 10 free images, $29 per month annual subscription thereafter)
Website: shutterstock.com
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