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Why You Should Ignore Google Pagespeed Insights

Why You Should Ignore Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights should have everything going for it. It’s free, it’s made by Google, and it has a simple scoring/color system. But in fact, it’s one of the worst possible options for assessing or improving your website speed, especially if you use WordPress. This post explains why.

How To Keep Track Of Your Blog Finances

How To Keep Track Of Your Blog’s Finances

This is a guest post by Cyrus Vanover, a former accountant who now works as a freelance financial writer. He is also the founder of the personal finance blog, Frugal Budgeter. Based in the mountains of Virginia, he can be found hiking the local trails, listening to 80s music, and reading books on military history in his spare time.

If you’re like most, you probably started your blog as a way to earn money. Maybe you did it as a side hustle to supplement the income from your job, or perhaps you were inspired by lofty blog income reports and dreamed of earning enough from your blog to replace the income from your job.

7 Free Ways To Support A Blogger

7 Totally Free Ways You Can Support A Blogger

This is a guest post by Annie Chopra, an author and entrepreneur. She specializes in the fields of content creation and marketing and is currently running digital media brand She TheQueen to empower women across the globe. Annie loves to travel, read, and write.


The blogging industry is growing by the day and it is becoming increasingly common to know bloggers in your personal and professional life. If you’re reading this, you’re probably either a blogger or know some! If you’re like us and love the people in your online life and the blogging community, you may have wondered if you could be doing more to support the bloggers you interact with regularly.

SEO For Bloggers

SEO For Bloggers: A Beginner’s Guide

Optimizing your blog so it ranks well in search engines is one of the best ways to drive traffic. Done well and with a bit of luck, it can be a pretty consistent and scalable method for getting traffic to your website…and it’s easier than constantly posting on social networks!