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Legal Essentials For Your Blog

Blogging 101: Legal Essentials For Your Blog

A lot of people are apprehensive about the legal aspects of blogging, but it’s pretty straightforward once you’re familiar with what you need to have and do. This blog post explains where to get the key legal templates for your blog (for free!) and the main things you need to know.

What To Learn Next In Blogging

What To Learn First (Or Next) As A Blogger

Imagine if you tried to learn how to crawl, walk, run, ski, drive, cycle, and surf all at the same time. Or if when you started learning to read as a small child, the first book you were given was a Shakespeare play and you were told to write a dissertation and give a talk on your work at a conference by the end of the month.

It would be impossible right? You’d end up frustrated, confused, and overwhelmed.

But this is what a lot of bloggers try to do. It’s normal to be excited about blogging, but trying to learn everything straight away is just going to pull you in a bunch of different directions. Without delving deep enough into anything specific, or sticking at one thing long enough to make a difference, you’ll be spinning plates without getting anywhere. Not only does it set you up for getting frustrated with yourself and your results, it’s the fastest path to burnout.

How Often Should I Publish A New Blog Post?

Blogging 101: “How Often Should I Publish A New Post?”

One of the big questions new bloggers have is, “How often should I publish a new blog post?”

This post answers that question, and a bunch of other common queries such as, “Should I always publish posts on the same days of the week?” and “Why does it feel like everyone else publishes so many posts compared to me?”

How To Find Great Places To Guest Post

How To Find Great Places To Guest Post

This is a guest post by Annie Chopra, an author and entrepreneur. She specializes in the fields of content creation and marketing and is currently running digital media brand She TheQueen to empower women across the globe. Annie loves to travel, read, and write.


Guest posts are incredibly common amongst the writer and blogger community, essentially because of the search engine optimization benefits and networking potential they demonstrate. Additionally, if you are a writer, posts for commercial websites can a great way for you to get an additional income stream as well as more credibility for your work.

Strategically, guest posts can be an exceptional way to promote your own blog or brand and create a network of backlinks. Nonetheless, despite there being so many places to choose from and even though there are many benefits to it, it can be difficult to find the right place for you to guest post, especially if you’re new to blogging.