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21 Blog & Business Tasks You Can Do On The Road

I don’t know about you, but I hate having dead, non-productive time…especially when traveling! Whether you’re on a long road trip, in the air, or doing your daily work commute, here are some ideas for how to spend your time more productively.

Just swapping out staring into space for a few minutes a day for any of the suggestions below can make a big difference to how much you get done and your general outlook. Instead of being bored or worrying about how much you have to get done, you can finish your journey feeling motivated about what you’re going to do next.

And it doesn’t have to feel like work – do something you want to do. It could be listening to a podcast episode on mindset, or browsing Instagram profiles for inspiration…the choice is yours.

No web? Don’t worry! Even without internet access, you can download content for offline viewing/listening in advance, and do most of the suggestions we’ve listed below. Enjoy!

Currently reading: 21 Blog & Business Tasks You Can Do On The Road Share on X  

If you’re driving, you could:

1. Listen to a podcast (check out our list of 10 awesome business podcasts if you need inspiration).

2. Enjoy a blog- or business-themed YouTube video that doesn’t require you to watch the screen (Maggie has some great ones!)

Tip: If you’re driving with otherwise unoccupied kids, create a playlist that alternates between something of yours and something of theirs.

3. Listen to a non-fiction book on Kindle or Scribd. They have a great selection on everything from mental health to business success.

4. Talk through your ideas out loud. This works particularly well for problem-solving (and if you’re not using public transport!). Use your phone to record what you say to easily refer back to it later.

5. Arrange a catch-up call with a business or blogging friend. This works best when the topic and time have been decided in advance.


Not driving? As well as the above, you could…

6. Make notes on your phone or tablet for your next post or product.

7. Work on a short batch task, such as writing meta descriptions or drafting blog post titles.

Related:  How To Create A 90 Day Blog Plan That Works

8. Draft your upcoming social media posts or newsletter in a notes or voice-to-text app.

9. Create or update your brand board.

10. Make a to do list, breaking down each task as needed and rearranging in priority order.

11. Rewrite your About page.

12. Review and update your Media Kit or Press pack.

13. Edit, resize or optimize images to use later, assuming you have access to an image editing app such as the Adobe suite for mobile, or one of these.

14. Draft ideas or a schedule for promoting your posts, both old and new.


If you also have internet, even intermittently, you could…

15. Go back over an old post to improve it, making a snag list of things to fix.

16. Research images and make a list of possible stock photos for upcoming posts or pages.

17. Review your website on mobile and make a list of things to improve when you get home.

18. Schedule social media posts or plan out your Instagram grid.

19. Have web pages read aloud to you. This is great for super long articles queued up in advance!

20. Research something you’ve always wanted to know more about, but never seem to have time to get to.

21. Clean up or work through your phone or tablet tabs and delete any unused files and apps.


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On the road tasks for your blog or business

Jenni Brown
Co-founder of Lyrical Host, Jenni has been in the web hosting industry for years and specializes in social media, copywriting, search engine optimization, and email marketing. She loves cats, baking, photography, and gaming.

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