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Author: Jenni

How to write amazing meta descriptions

How To Write A Great Meta Description

Writing a great meta description involves both art and science, and in this blog post we cover everything you need to know about what you should include, traps to avoid, and how to go about writing and adding meta descriptions to your website.

40 free feminine WordPress themes

40+ Elegantly Feminine Free WordPress Themes

If you’re on a budget or you’re not too familiar with WordPress themes, don’t worry – there are literally thousands of free ones you can install and play with. We’ve picked out a selection of beautiful free feminine themes you can install in seconds straight from your control panel.

How to switch to https

How To Set Up A Free SSL Certificate For Your Website

An SSL certificate is vital for your website if you collect any kind of information from your visitors. This could be as simple as their name and email address, or as involved as their payment details and address. An SSL certificate ensures your visitors have a secure, encrypted connection when browsing your website and a third party can’t intercept any details they provide you with.