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Author: Jenni

Year In Review 2024

2024: Year in Review

2024 was the seventh year of Lyrical Host, and it was most definitely known as Year of the Workshops. Throughout the year we ran eleven different online workshops for Lyrical Host customers (in addition to several in-person events). We interviewed some fantastic people, produced tons of supplementary content and templates, and covered everything from making good decisions based on your Google Analytics data to the psychology of search engine optimization. Whew!

Running Black Friday sales as a small business

How To Do Black Friday Promotions As A Small Business

Black Friday is pretty controversial – people love it or hate it. While bargains are up for grabs in the run up to Christmas, many small businesses reject the idea of slashing their prices, especially in the run up to one of the busiest times of the year.

But, hear us out. Black Friday can work for small businesses – here are the hows and whys.

Laptop on wooden desk

The Affiliate’s Guide To Black Friday At Lyrical Host

As a company, one of our favorite things to do is pay you, rather than Google or Facebook. And Black Friday is one of the best times of the year to make money from the Lyrical Host affiliate program. Not only are people looking for deals, but they’re buying more and we bundle digital download items together for better value, which means you earn more!

US dollar notes and coins

Streamline Blog & Business Costs: Tips & Tool Swaps

In and of itself, running a blog, or any kind of website, is one of the cheapest hobbies around. But it’s easy to end up with a whole bunch of additional extra costs, from design software to paid plugins.

This blog post looks at different ways you can cut down your costs, what software and tool swaps could make sense for you, and helps you make the “is it worth it” decisions.

Let’s get started!