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7 Of The Best Canva Video Tutorials For Bloggers

Today’s post is short but sweet, as we’ve rounded up some of our favorite Canva.com tutorials. Each video is a clearly explained step-by-step guide that will really push your blog forward. You can literally drag, drop, click, and type your way to beautiful Pinterest pins, subscriber lead magnets, downloadable checklists, attractive social media graphics, and much more. You don’t need to spend any money or learn any complex software, just hit play on a video below and have Canva.com open in a new tab so you’re ready to work alongside the video.

Even though we use Adobe Creative Cloud software for a lot of things here at Lyrical HQ, we’re also big fans of Canva, purely because of how quick and easy it is to create attractive resources and templates.

Currently reading: 7 Of The Best Canva Video Tutorials For Bloggers Share on X

Below are our top picks, but we’d love to hear what your favorites are and if there are any great videos we’re missing out on! If you’ve created your own Canva video tutorials for bloggers, please drop a comment below with a link so we can add them to this post and recommend them when we get asked.

On with the videos!


How to create gorgeous graphics for your business and blog

This video from Katie Brimmer guides you through creating a workbook, with all the little design details that will make your end result stand head and shoulders above the rest.


How to create a killer media kit using Canva

If you’re working with brands, you’ll want a media kit on hand just in case. A media kit is like a CV/resume for your website, so it’s essential that it’s presented in a beautifully attractive way to give brands an insight into what they can expect from your work.

Find out how to create an awesome media kit in Canva:


How to create online course worksheets with Canva

If you have or are planning to build an online course, worksheets are a great way to add extra value for your students. You can also use simplified versions to attract subscribers, provide as samples on sales pages, or use in a free edition of your course.

Related:  7 Signs You're Overthinking Blogging (& How To Stop If So)

Learn how to make course worksheets the easy way:


How to design gorgeous lead magnets and PDFs

This is a great catch-all tutorial for creating resources that your visitors won’t be able to resist downloading. The techniques from this video can be applied to a bunch of other things, too!


How to quickly and easily create multiple Pinterest pins

Speed up your pin creation process with this easy to follow step-by-step guide:


How to create a PDF checklist in Canva

Haute Stock’s tutorial on creating a checklist is a great walkthrough guide for taking existing Canva templates and really making them your own, for a professional-looking design that’s really you:


How to create your own Facebook cover photo

If you have a Facebook page or group, here’s a quick guide to making your own personalized header image (plus some tips on what makes a good one!):

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7 Of The Best Canva Video Tutorials For Bloggers

Jenni Brown
Co-founder of Lyrical Host, Jenni has been in the web hosting industry for years and specializes in social media, copywriting, search engine optimization, and email marketing. She loves cats, baking, photography, and gaming.

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