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25 Quick & Easy Ideas For Your Blog’s Next Newsletter

A list of quick and easy things you can include beyond your latest blog posts.

One of the best ways to get people subscribing to and engaging with your blog’s newsletter is to include some exclusive content along with links to your posts. If they go directly to your blog to read your posts anyway, there’s no reason for them to subscribe to your newsletter just to get the same links – so how you can make sure they stay subscribed, engaged, and interested?

Happily there are plenty of things you can do to offer your mailing list subscribers something different without spending too much time away from your blog, and without your readers feeling like you’re constantly begging them to buy something.

Below are a few suggestions of what other things you can include in your blog’s newsletter that go beyond a straight link to your blog posts! They can be mixed and matched as needed, so let your creativity run wild.

Currently reading: 25 Quick & Easy Ideas For Your Blog's Next Newsletter Share on X


Fresh ideas for your mailing list


    • Describe and link a tool you absolutely love, making sure you explain why it’s great.


    • Share a tip you learned recently that relates to your blog’s niche.


    • Link to a recent blog post of a blogger you love (and then tell them they got a mention).


    • Link to the latest blog post of a blogger who’s recently given you a share on social media.


    • Tell people what’s been happening on your Facebook page or in your Facebook group recently and invite them to join the party.


    • Offer a freebie related to something you sell, promote, or write about on your blog, e.g. if you’re selling an ebook, offer the first chapter free, or if you help people get organized, offer them a free scheduling template.


    • Ask for an opinion on something you’ve been considering recently; maybe a color change, or a new tool, or a better way to do something.


    • Tell people what you’ve been up to lately in a couple of sentences.


    • Share a sneak peek of something you’re currently working on.


    • Drop an affiliate link to your favorite web hosting company 😉


    • Talk about how your month went and what you achieved, on or off your blog.
Related:  Blogging 101: How Many Blog Posts Should I Have For Launch?


    • Give away a small freebie, like a stock photo or a checklist.


    • Team up with another blogger and ask them for their best tip to feature in your newsletter – then do the same for them.


    • Share a Facebook group or Twitter chat you love.


    • Mention someone you’ve worked with or collaborated with recently and what you did.


    • Link to a guest post or interview you did recently.


    • Link to a social network you want to get more followers on.


    • Describe your goals for the next month in a couple of sentences.


    • Commit yourself to three tidy up tasks to complete over the next month (e.g. checking your site for broken links), and talk about how/what you did in the following newsletter.


    • Talk about someone or something that’s influenced your blogging journey.


    • Describe a blogging/niche/website pet peeve and how people can avoid it.


    • Talk about a current blogging/niche/website trend and give your opinion on it.


    • Include a question or short survey asking people for feedback on your newsletter or website.


    • Link to one of your oldest, most popular posts and describe what it’s about and why it’s popular (this works really well as a PS after your sign off).


    • Pick a question you see come up in Facebook groups all the time and give your own answer to it. Follow up by asking subscribers to submit their own questions for next month, or put all your answers together over a year to make a guide, ebook, or cheatsheet.


We’ll be using some of these in our own blog newsletter, so if you want to see them in action and you aren’t already a Lyrical Host customer, you can subscribe to our blog from the form in the sidebar. Enjoy!

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25 Quick & Easy Ideas For Your Blog's Newsletters

Jenni Brown
Co-founder of Lyrical Host, Jenni has been in the web hosting industry for years and specializes in social media, copywriting, search engine optimization, and email marketing. She loves cats, baking, photography, and gaming.

  • 08/03/2019

    I love these suggestions!! They’re great! I am always at a loss as to what to include in my email. I never know if short and sweet is the way to go. Or if having a little more info is best. I do tend to share a little blurb about what I’ve been up to recently….although not really sure if anyone cares. But I like some of these suggestions so going to give them a try next time 🙂

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