A blog’s birthday is always something to celebrate. You’ve hit another milestone, learned a ton, and made a lot of great memories. Here are some fun ideas to celebrate any blogging birthday – pick one, mix and match a few, or go crazy and do all of them. The choice is yours!
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01. Good old cake and candles
It’s a classic for a reason (plus you get to eat cake)! Lovely photos can be used across your blog and social media, or take a sneaky shortcut and use stock images.
02. A giveaway related to your blog’s age and niche
For example if you’re a fashion blogger and your third birthday is in winter, you could give away three hat and scarf sets. Or if you’re a book blogger celebrating your fifth birthday, you could give away five different Harry Potter books with a personal message inside. If you’re a food blogger, you could give away kitchen utensils or a recipe book.
03. Yearly highlights post
A post with your highlights over the past year (or years!). You may want to include things like your most memorable moment, a post that did particularly well, a significant real-life experience that you covered on your blog, and your favorite posts. Try looking over your published posts from your WordPress Dashboard, or your Instagram, for quick inspiration.
04. First memory of your blog
Reflect back on one of your key early blog memories on social media, and ask your followers and readers to share theirs. People love looking back and sharing stories and memories of how things used to be.
05. A throwback roundup post
Create a roundup of all your favorite and most popular posts, adding a short description of how you feel about them now and the context you wrote them in originally.
06. Temporarily change your blog header or logo
Try a birthday theme for a week around your blog’s birthday. You could use a new birthday-themed photo, or adjust your blog’s logo to include something like a cake, candle, or party popper. Don’t forget to announce your temporary look on social media!
07. Post screenshots of your old themes
If you don’t have any screenshots of how your website has looked over the years, try the Wayback Machine. You could collect them together and write a blog post around them, or share a screenshot a day in the run up to your birthday.
08. An “if my blog were a child” post
Based on its birthday, if your blog was a baby, toddler, child, teenager, or adult (!), what would they be like? What would they be doing at this point in their life?
09. An image grid
An image grid is a fun at-a-glance summary of your blog’s year. It could be based around your niche, for example if you’re a fashion blogger, you could have a grid made up of your best looks. If you’re not sure what to do, you could make a grid of your featured images from your blog posts over the past year.
10. An “Oscar’s speech” style blog post
Create a speech-style post of all the people you want to thank and who contributed to your journey so far. This is a great opportunity to include affiliate links for the tools and services you use and rely on.
11. A love letter to your blog
If it were a person, how would you see your blog? Would it be your best friend? A love-hate relationship? That scruffy old relative you love? Start a blog with “Dear blog,” and see where it takes you.
12. A “pick a box” giveaway
Buy something to represent a prize, such as a party hat, and put it in a box. Wrap it up, along with some other empty boxes in birthday paper and take a photo. Then ask your followers and readers to pick a box. Of the ones who pick the correct box, choose one to send a prize to.
13. A “what was I thinking” post
Be honest about your biggest fails, what you would have done differently, and what you learned from them. This could be about blogging and blogging skills generally, or niche-specific (e.g. your biggest fashion disasters or recipe-making catastrophes).
14. A digital giveaway for your readers
Ask online companies you love to take part, or simply buy or make a small prize yourself. Canva is a great free tool for making everything from social media images to PDF downloads. If you already sell digital products, you could take inspiration from those to do something limited edition. Or you could ask other bloggers to contribute something to a bundle, such as a workbook or printable.
15. A nostalgic post
Think about describing your life before you started your blog, just after you started to blog, how much it’s changed since, and the feelings you had at each stage. You could also cover how things have changed in the blogging world since you first started.
16. A social media shout out
Celebrate the most significant people in your blogging journey so far, including those who helped you, inspired you, and have been part of your journey so far.
17. Add falling confetti to your website
It’s a fun old school trend, right?! For WordPress blogs, try Papier-mâché or Falling Things (both free), or Smakflakes (paid).
18. Ask people how they found your blog (either on social media or in a blog post)
Sharing memories together is always fun, and you’ll find out stories from your visitors you’ve never heard before, plus encourage great feeling towards your blog. People love remembering how they found your blog and what the first post was that they read.
19. Do a special birthday offer or launch
If you sell any digital products or services, try using your birthday as a reason to launch a new one or do a big discount on existing ones. Or you could round up some birthday-themed products you can add your affiliate link to!
20. A year in numbers post
Recap the past year in numbers: how many comments you got, how much traffic you got, etc. Or try a countdown based on how old your blog is. For example, if it’s your blog’s fifth birthday, you could do a roundup of the 5 posts you loved most, 4 posts that were most controversial, 3 posts that have gone viral, 2 posts that you got the most comments on, and 1 post that should have got more attention.
21. A brand giveaway
Got time to plan? If you have a reasonable following, you could contact a few brands and ask for some small prizes (preferably digital ones, as they’re easier to distribute). If you don’t have a big following, it’s still affordable even if you have to fund it yourself. You don’t need to have a huge budget; even a small Amazon or Starbucks gift card will do. Tie it into your blog’s age, for example a $20 giveaway if your blog is turning two. You could also tie it to your niche, for example a gift card for a clothes retailer if you have a fashion blog.
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Ian Webster
Thanks for the ideas
I am coming up for 10 years old and had run out of ideas.