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11 Productivity Tips From Lyrical Host Bloggers

Over in our Facebook group the theme of the month has been productivity. As one of the tasks we asked, “What’s your top productivity tip?” Here’s what everyone said.

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01. Develop a business state of mind

“Just because we work from home does not mean we do not need to be in a “business” state of mind. I’m more productive when I get fully dressed in the morning instead of my pajamas.” – Gina, ginaslibrary.com


02. Think daily

“Write a daily todo list every morning of essential things that you have to do. Cross each item off once it’s done. You can do the other stuff once the essentials are done.” – Anne, antiquesavenue.co.uk


03. Write first

“Write your own words before you read other people’s words. Find a door and close it.” – Lorna, ginlemonade.com


04. Start with something you enjoy

“I love a physical to do list and tick items off as I go. I like to start the morning with something I like. Do something hard before lunch. Then something nicer afterward as you have a slump. Helps tick off all your items even the stuff you don’t enjoy as much.” – Rachael, rachaelstray.com


05. Re-evaluate

“Make your lists in whatever way you like (piece of paper, notebook, napkin, computer, phone memo) and prioritise them in to what needs to get done in an hour, by the end of the day, and by the end of the week. Re-evaluate each morning to see if your priorities are the same, and if you are accomplishing what you want/need to accomplish!” Jessica, anhistorianabouttown.com


06. Go public

“As a content creator, I find publicly announcing my upcoming editorial calendar helps me stick to it. Whether that is a subscriber email telling them what posts to look out for this month, a series homepage with upcoming publication dates listed, or just mentioning what’s next at the end of an Instagram story. Making myself accountable to my subscribers helps keep me productive.” Kirstee, blogathomemum.com


07. Switch it up

“Most days I like to get my biggest task out of the way first but on those days when I’m struggling to focus I choose to knock two or three small tasks first. This gives me a quick win that I can cross off the to do list. Plus it gives me the momentum I need to get me in a more productive mindset.” – Paula, paulasextonhickey.com

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08. Go off-grid

“I start my day unplugged for one hour to get going without distractions. If I’m running late in the morning, I feel I’m playing catch up all day. Staying unplugged helps keep me focused and on track which leads to a more productive day.” – Jada, itsasouthernlifeyall.com


09. Tune up

“It’s all about the music! I can get so much done just by putting on the jams, blocking everything out for a few hours, and getting in some distraction-free writing time. I knock out one big thing in those few hours, like writing a blog post or campaign, and focus on the smaller, “bite-sized” stuff later.” – Lauren, mybloggingroadmap.com


10. Go old school

“I do love an old school pencil and paper list!” – Kerry, ajourneyoffootsteps.com


11. Clear your mind

“On days that I have a ton on my mind, I like to do a brain dump. This helps me to get out everything that I am thinking of at that moment. Whether it is a task that I need to remember to do, or someones name…whatever it is, I write it down. That way I can go back and remember everything that is going through my mind. I tend to forget a lot of things so this definitely helps me!” – Kacie, abravestar.com

Which of these tips are you going to try? What’s your favorite productivity tip? Let us know in the comments!

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11 Awesome Productivity Tips From Bloggers

Jenni Brown
Co-founder of Lyrical Host, Jenni has been in the web hosting industry for years and specializes in social media, copywriting, search engine optimization, and email marketing. She loves cats, baking, photography, and gaming.

1 Comment
  • 08/21/2018

    My tip would be get up early tackle answering and socil media first, then any writing/work will not be interupted by pings etc. If you have other things to do list in order on electronic post it notes on the computer scren, add an alarm for when to stop.

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