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7 Self-Care Tips For Bloggers

As a blogger, chances are that you have a million things going on in your life. You have your blog and probably a 9-5 job, family, friends, a home, and all kinds of other commitments. And when we have so many priorities the task that often falls to the bottom of our to-do list is our own self-care.

But self-care is too important to ignore!

When you neglect to take care of yourself, it’s impossible to be at your best. Self-care is necessary for your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

Let’s look at some ways that we as bloggers can take better care of ourselves.

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01. Pamper Yourself

If you’ve been last on your own list of priorities for a while, you may find that what you need most is a little pampering. Don’t feel guilty about it! We all need to feel pampered every now and then.

So…have a bubble bath, with scented candles and play some relaxing music. Schedule a pedicure or manicure or facial. If you don’t want to go out for these, DIY your own at home. Go for a massage. Go shopping just for you, not for anyone else in the family. Whatever makes you feel special, do it!


02. Spend time alone

Sometimes the best self-care is spending time on your own. Especially if you’re an introvert. You need that time alone to recharge.

Make it a habit to schedule some alone time every day. Take a quick walk around the neighborhood. Read a book. Journal or meditate. Just sit and let your mind wander. Work a crossword puzzle or color. Pick something you know will help you relax and recharge.

Making the time to be alone with yourself is good for your creativity and happiness.


03. Have a night out (or in)

As important as alone time is, it’s just as important to spend time with those you care about.
Plan a girl’s/guy’s night. Schedule a date with your significant other. Invite your friends over for a cookout or game night. Call up a friend and invite them out to lunch.

It’s true it’s hard to make the time for fun because we have so many responsibilities, but it’s important that we do so. We need the camaraderie and the laughter we have with those we love.

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04. Create an exercise routine

As bloggers, we spend a lot of time sitting. It’s part of the job. So one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves is to get up and get moving!

Maybe you’ve always wanted to try Yoga. Now’s the time to do it. Maybe you have a treadmill you never use. Start using it. You don‘t have to join a gym. There are lots of great at home workouts that don‘t require any equipment. 

The important thing is to get moving. Your body and mind will thank you!


05. Learn something new

Have you ever noticed that when you learn something new your brain feels energized? Your brain is excited to be getting out of its rut! It wants new experiences!

So if you’re feeling down and a little bored with things, find something new to learn. You can take that cooking class you always wanted to. Or learn to sew or code a website. Go to a local museum and learn something new about your hometown. Just planning your new activity and knowing you have something to look forward to will lift your mood!


06. Be mindful of what you eat

Did you know that what you eat can affect your mood and energy levels? Consider keeping a food journal to track what you eat and how it affects you. You may find that cutting back or eliminating certain foods helps you feel better.


07. Give yourself some grace

You don’t have time to do ALL. THE. THINGS. that the experts tell you to need to do to have a successful blog. No one does. And that’s ok! Pick what is most important and enjoyable to you and do those things. Be consistent at it, have fun, and most importantly take care of yourself.


What’s your favorite self-care tip? Let us know in the comments!

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7 Self-Care Tips For Bloggers

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Paula Hickey lives in Tennessee in the USA. She is married to the love of her life, Rex. Together they're raising two pups, Buffy and Mac. She's a huge nerd who is addicted to Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. By night, Paula is a third-shift assistant manager for a major retail store. And by day, she is a virtual assistant and freelance writer.

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