Search for the perfect domain. Choose from dozens of popular extensions and register your name instantly!
Select the number of years you want to register your domain name for. Domain privacy is included free!
Below you can find all available domain extensions and their pricing and renewal costs. We’ve just listed the prices for a year, but you can register for more years if you prefer. We don’t inflate the cost of renewals either! If you can’t find the extension you’re looking for, let us know and we’ll add it if we can!
Already have a domain? Transfer it to us for the price listed below and the renewal date will automatically be extended for a year.
Domain | Price | Years | Renewal Price | Transfer Price |
.com | £14.99 | 1 | £14.99 | £14.99 | | £7.99 | 1 | £7.99 | £7.99 |
.blog | £26.99 | 1 | £26.99 | £26.99 |
.shop | £34.99 | 1 | £34.99 | £34.99 |
.life | £26.99 | 1 | £26.99 | £26.99 |
.us | £17.99 | 1 | £17.99 | £17.99 |
.biz | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.ca | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.info | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.photos | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.me | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.pink | £20.99 | 1 | £20.99 | £20.99 |
.uk | £7.99 | 1 | £7.99 | £7.99 | | £7.99 | 1 | £7.99 | £7.99 |
.net | £14.99 | 1 | £14.99 | £14.99 |
.org | £14.99 | 1 | £14.99 | £14.99 |
.es | £12.99 | 1 | £12.99 | £12.99 |
.nl | £12.99 | 1 | £12.99 | £12.99 |
.eu | £12.99 | 1 | £12.99 | £12.99 |
.be | £12.99 | 1 | £12.99 | £12.99 |
.club | £16.99 | 1 | £16.99 | £16.99 |
.fr | £18.99 | 1 | £18.99 | £18.99 |
.it | £18.99 | 1 | £18.99 | £18.99 |
.co | £28.99 | 1 | £28.99 | £28.99 |
.church | £34.99 | 1 | £34.99 | £34.99 |
.tech | £45 | 1 | £45 | £45 | | £24.99 | 1 | £24.99 | £24.99 | | £7.99 | 1 | £7.99 | £7.99 |
.games | £28.99 | 1 | £28.99 | £28.99 |
Move it to Lyrical Host and take advantage of simple, honest pricing and lots of great features and freebies. We look after your domains like they’re our own.
It’s easy to move your domains to us. We don’t charge any moving-in fees, and there’s no risk of losing your domain or website downtime. As always, our support team is on hand to help make sure everything goes smoothly.
When you buy a domain, regardless of where you buy it, your contact details are published publicly on the web in the WHOIS database.
If your domain name grabs the attention of spammers, this means you’ll get a ton of junk email, calls, and mail. Domain privacy displays a standardised set of details to prevent this from happening, and ensures that the domain registry doesn’t disable your domain for incorrect contact details.
We include domain privacy for free with all domain name registrations and transfers that support privacy, including all the most popular extensions.